Netherlands is more than tulips!
There are plenty of flower fields & gardens to enjoy throughout the year.
You can even come and pick your own flowers at numerous gardens and flower farms full of Dalhias, Lavender, Pionroses and more...
They call it a PlukTuin - a garden where you can Pick your choice!
First, You don't need to travel all way south to France for Lavender fragrances!
Netherlands have plenty of own Lavender fields and gardens - but they all are hidden gems..
You might need to check for lavender kwekerij adresses or get in touch with the shops that sell lavender products.
Here are top-3 sources of lavender flowers in the Netherlands:
- Go 'French' and check out Provence Polder at the B l o k z i j l:
- Get lavender blossoms at - Visiting point : Vogelaardreef 20, Noordwijk ZH
- Keep an eye on Lavendelboerderij at Niuwediep 58 (Lavendelboerderij Ruitenborgh) with 5k sq.m. of lavender fields
Another popular type of flower gardens - with delicate and shy field flowers and herbal tea degustations
- enjoy high tea in Utrecht gardens
- experience tranquility of flowers & gardens near Rotterdam -
- collect your dahlias bouquet, pick up Kruiden tea plants and make your cup of tea at
And what a blissful experience to walk through blossoming fields and make your own summer bouquets!
- celebrate dahlias and more flowers at
- make your own bouquet in Flevoland -
- walk 1ha of flowers to collect at
And of course not to miss the Spring flowers -
- pick up your tulip bouquets at Tulip Barns and Tulip fields - But it's another story, for Spring:)
What's Your favourite Pluktuin?:)
Top Gardens to pick your own flowers in the Netherlands