Netherlands is 523 kilometers of Coastline with gorgeous beaches and app.240 official public fresh waters beaches. Almost every town and village would have a nice beach – perfect place to cool down during the Summer heat waves and to breath
Top Gardens to pick your own flowers in the Netherlands
Netherlands is more than tulips! There are plenty of flower fields & gardens to enjoy throughout the year. You can even come and pick your own flowers at numerous gardens and flower farms full of Dalhias, Lavender, Pionroses and more…
Where to see Tulips
where to see tulips in the Netherlands; best tulip fields in the Netherlands
Cherryblossoming Netherlands
Cherryblossom to visit in the Netherlands
Open Air Fun – Must See Museums
Must see open-air museums of the Netherlands
When to see tulips and more flowers in the Netherlands
When to see Tulips in the Netherlands. Where to go tulip fields. What to do in the Netherlands in Spring